We have got 7 nice dogs and 4 beautiful females.We offer the puppies from really succesful conjunction.
The puppies are healthy,deworming and they have a really kind temperament .They are suitable to exhibition or only as pet for loving family.
Come look and cuddle the sweet puppies.
Many fotos of puppies you found here:
reggynka.mypage.cz -> fotogalerie(photo gallery) -> VRH A(BIRTH A)
If you want more information, please contact me on my email:
Kategorie: Štěňata na prodej
Průkaz původu: S průkazem původu
Plemeno: Rhodéský ridgeback (146)
Pohlaví: Pes, Fena
Datum narození: 25.08.2014
Cena: Navrhněte
Video: https://youtu.be/8zGcfMQuoRM