• Tento inzerát byl aktualizován před více než 1 rokem.

Louisian leopard dog -Catahoula


We offer for sale Louisiana Leopard Dog puppies - Catahoula from the E Besavej litter, born on 12/31/2022.

The mother of the litter is Flowee Tartuga tested HD A, ED 0/0, BAER +/+, m/m, DM negative, full teeth, scissor test, no allergies.
Litter sire Drake Besavej tested HD A, ED 0/0, BAER +/+ and DM negative, m/M.
They will go to their new owners vaccinated, wormed, chipped with a pet passport and equipped to start.
If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact us.

Kategorie: Štěňata na prodej
Průkaz původu: S průkazem původu
Plemeno: Louisianský leopardí pes
Pohlaví: Pes, Fena
Datum narození: 31.12.2022
Cena: Navrhněte


Kontaktní osoba: Eliška Javůrková
Telefon: +420608325491
Stránka: https://besavej.webnode.cz/news/vrh-e-litter-e/
Sociální síť: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089511893899
Místo: Česko
Země: Česká republika


Kontaktovat uživatele

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            [body] => We offer for sale Louisiana Leopard Dog puppies - Catahoula from the E Besavej litter, born on 12/31/2022. 

The mother of the litter is Flowee Tartuga tested HD A, ED 0/0, BAER +/+, m/m, DM negative, full teeth, scissor test, no allergies.
Litter sire Drake Besavej tested HD A, ED 0/0, BAER +/+ and DM negative, m/M.
They will go to their new owners vaccinated, wormed, chipped with a pet passport and equipped to start.
If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact us.
            [updated] => 2023-03-15 09:43:49
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            [breed] => Louisianský leopardí pes
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